Dear Stonegate Property Owners
We trust you have had a great summer including spending time at your Stonegate property! Starting to cool down here. Thank you for being such great owners and neighbors. Some information to pass along to you:
New Board Members During the SPOA Annual meeting held in July, two new SPOA Board members were elected: Please welcome Jan Jeansonne and Kevin Murray as elected Board Members.
The current Board members are: Myrna Jorgensen - President Jan Jeansonne Vice President Paul McLean - Treasurer Curt Hopson - Secretary Rhett Judy David Bloxham Kevin Murray
SPOA Annual Dues Payment Reminder Annual SPOA fee Invoices that cover the current fiscal period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 ($600 per property) have recently been sent to Stonegate property owners for each property. If you have already sent in your payment - many of you have - Thank you! If you have not yet received an invoice, please reply and I'll send you one. If you have not yet sent your annual payment please make out a check for the invoiced amount for each property you own to "SPOA" and send to: SPOA PO Box 23 Island Park, ID 83429
Payment is due on a "Net 30" basis, meaning in almost all cases the payment is already due. Please promptly send in any payment owed - it would be greatly appreciated and there is a short window open still to avoid late fees being assessed.
Since the SPOA uses the QuickBooks accounting system, it is my reasonable belief that the statements were prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting practices
Slash Piles One last reminder, there is no SPOA slash pickup. If you have slash, your best option is to please take it to the slash pile located in the "Flats", about 1/2 way between Robins Roost and Henrys Lake, just east off Highway 20.
There can be no slash left on any Stonegate roads, including the sides of the roads.